Mediation & Conciliation

Resolving conflict is similar to solving a puzzle. Some puzzles are simple, straightforward, and the end result is easily accomplished. Other puzzles have several pieces, complicated color schemes, and take patience and determination to conquer. To reach resolution, for simple conflict as well as more complicated conflict, mediation and conciliation are invaluable tools.

Children’s Peace Alliance Foundation utilizes specifically trained mediators and conciliators, approved and certified through the Kansas Supreme Court, to provide mediation and conciliation for parents facing conflict regarding their children, who need to create a new parenting plan, or update an existing parenting plan.

To provide further flexibility for families, mediation and conciliation will primarily be conducted virtually, but can be staffed on a case by case basis. Fees for mediation and conciliation are calculated utilizing a sliding scale fee based on individual income. Once payment has been received, we can begin the mediation or conciliation process.


Mediation is a confidential, informal, and efficient process that empowers parents to gain control over their family’s outcomes. Involved participants are equal within the mediation process; there is no determination of fault, and instead there is a sense of respect and preservation of relationships. Mediators do not make decisions or recommendations, and mediated agreements are entirely customizable by the parents and empower individuals to be creative with their own solutions. Further, after a dispute is resolved through mediation, individuals are more likely to utilize tools and skills acquired through mediation to address future problem solving endeavors.

Our foundation focuses on issues surrounding legal custody, parenting times, movement of children back and forth between their parents’ homes, children’s education, and co-parenting decisions. We do not mediate property settlements, child support amounts, spousal support, or other financial matters.



Conciliation is a non-confidential and efficient process that empowers those involved to gain control over their own outcomes. Involved participants are equal within the conciliation process; there is no determination of fault, and instead there is a sense of respect and preservation of relationships. Conciliation agreements are entirely customizable and empower individuals to be creative with their own solutions. The conciliator can submit a report to the court - either a full agreement of the parents, or an informational report outlining the parents’ involvement in the conciliation process, the parents’ areas of agreement, and the areas of disagreement between the parents. Conciliators do not make decisions or recommendations.

Our foundation focuses on issues surrounding legal custody, parenting times, movement of children back and forth between their parents’ homes, children’s education, and co-parenting decisions. We do not conciliate property settlements, child support amounts, spousal support, or other financial matters.